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Organizing Your Bathroom



The bathroom is one of the most highly trafficked areas of a home, and while it is cleaned more often than most other rooms, it can be easily looked over as a place to organize and maximize space. Whether you have multiple bathrooms, a large or small bathroom, or an oddly shaped bathroom- keeping it organized will create a more useful, functional and relaxing space.



Keep, Toss, or Donate


You first step is obvious- go through everything you have in your bathroom and declutter. From cosmetics, to towels, to medicines- create three categories for your items: keep, toss, or donate. Make sure you are checking expiration and best by dates and to toss those items instead of donating. For items in the donation category, consider donating to your local community pantry.


Pro tip: Before starting your organizing, go ahead and give your bathroom a thorough cleaning so it feels completely new and finished when you’re done!



Give Everything a Home


After you’ve decided what your keepers are, now comes the crucial part of giving everything a home. While most people would think to further organize by category again such as cosmetics, hair products, skin products, medicines, etc. it’s actually more helpful to organize your products first by what you use daily. Making these daily used items more accessible will allow for a better flow and use of your space. Maybe these are the products you keep on the counter, or in an organizer on the top shelf, or a top drawer. From there, you can have a bit more freedom to categorize by product, and use bins or organizers in cabinets and drawers how you see fit.



Less is More


While it may seem like you need more shelves, storage products, and bins for your bathroom- especially in a smaller space- it’s actually better to allow for a more minimal approach on the outside. Take advantage of the space in your vanity, over your toilet, and in your shower.


Adding shelving over your toilet, or a corner shelf in one spot will allow for more storage- but adding too many shelves can make the space overwhelming. Add organizing bins to your cabinets will maximize your storage and organization- while adding these bins to counter tops can make them feel more cluttered. Give thought to what feels right to you and find balance between organized and functional.



While an organized bathroom will be more attractive, the real importance of any organized space is that it functions well for you. This creates a more relaxing and soothing space to be in, which is an important part of a room you’re in as frequently as the bathroom. As the most frequently cleaned room of a house, you’ll also have an easier time of cleaning when your space is more organized.